3.55 Dex Download

Posted By admin On 12.12.20
  1. 3.55 Dex Downgrader Download
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Roland vs jupiter 8 vst crack 32 bit. Hello ngu i have see tutorial for CEX TO DEX, i have a question: Can i install cfw 3.55 rogero DEX in my current cfw 3.55 kmeaw?? ARCHICAD 19 UPDATE 4011 System updating. Jul 20, 2014 In today's video, I show you how to downgrade a jailbroken DEX PS3 back down to 3.55 DEX CFW. Reasons for doing this may be you dislike the current firmware your on and want to try a more stable. No preview available.

In this tutorial i am going to show you how to get on Dex to host with RTM tools, RTE etc.
This is a fully explained guide step by step on how and what you need to get on DEX Firmware.
Written tutorial :
1) On your 3.55 cfw install and run the eid key dumper.pkg.
2) Once your back to the XMB, open blackb0x and retrive your eid_root_key from dev_hdd0/tmp/.
4) Install and run the rebug toolbox.
5) Now export flash to file, make sure your USB is in the right slot.
6) Install OpenSSL on your computer and rename the installation folder to OpenSSL not OpenSLL - Win32.
7) Put your NORBIN/NANDBIN file which you got from the 'export flash' and your eid_root_key into the c2d folder.
8) Rename the NORBIN/NANDBIN file to flashCEX.bin and add .bin to your eid_root_key.
9) Open CMD in that directory. Type the following: c2d.exe eid_root_key.bin flashCEX.bin flashDEX.bin 82
10) Press enter and you should have another file called flashDEX.bin.
11) Rename the flashCEX.bin to CEX-FLASH.EID0.NORBIN/NANDBIN and rename flashDEX.bin to DEX-FLASH.EID0.NORBIN/NANDBIN and put them on the root of your USB and put in the right slot of your PS3.
12) Open rebug toolbox and rewrite the target ID in flash then click yes to both. Reboot your PS3, go back to rebug toolbox and click swap lv2 kernal and it'll reboot and your DONE.
Rebug Firmware's - http://adf.ly/3622418/rebug

The Latest CFW here is Steven and Habib 4.53 CFW
Original Firmware
3.55 OFW :
3.55 OFW ( Clicked 68161 times )
Custom Firmware (CEX)
3.55 CFW :
KMEAW 3.55 ( Clicked 14140 times )
REBUG 3.55.4 REX CFW ( Clicked 5518 times )
WANINKOKO 3.55 CFW v2 ( Clicked 1645 times )
TrueBlue-3.55-CFW-v2 ( Clicked 1359 times )
WUTANGRZA 3.55 CFW ( Clicked 996 times )
OTHEROS++-SPECIAL 3.55 CFW ( Clicked 1483 times )
4.21 CFW :
REBUG_4.21.2_REX ( Clicked 1354 times )
ROGERO 4.21 v2.00 CFW ( Clicked 1491 times )
4.30 or 4.31 CFW :
REBUG_4.30.2_REX ( Clicked 998 times )
Rogero_CEX4.30_v2.05 ( Clicked 903 times )
E3 CFW 4.30 ( Clicked 608 times )
ErmaC 4.30 CFW 1.4 ( Clicked 454 times )
TeamSGK 4.31 CFW v7.1 ( Clicked 774 times )
MiralaTijera 4.31 CFW ( Clicked 629 times )
4.40 or 4.41 :
Rogero CEX-4.41 v1.00 ( Clicked 38442 times )
REBUG 4.41.2 LITE EDITION CFW ( Clicked 755 times )
CFW 4.40 MIRALATIJERA ( Clicked 614 times )
SGK 4.40.4 CFW ( Clicked 599 times )
4.46 CFW
Rogero CEX-4.46 v1.00 ( Clicked 16308 times )
Rogero_CEX4.46_V1.01.PUP ( Clicked 13069 times )
HABIB CEX-4.46 V1.13 ( Clicked 1252 times )
HABIB CEX-4.46 V2.01 ( Clicked 1505 times )
HABIB CEX-4.46 V2.04 ( Clicked 1848 times )
REBUG 4.46 AUG. 2ND 2013 ( Clicked 14536 times )
Mirror Link
Rebug 4.46.1 Lite ( Clicked 3220 times )
Rebug 4.46.1 Lite ( Clicked 1059 times )
4.50 CFW
Habib 4.50 v1.03 ( Clicked 1835 times )
Rogero 4.50 v1.01 ( Clicked 49159 times )
Steven 4.50 v1.04 ( Clicked 4988 times )
4.53 CFW
Steven 4.53 v1.00 ( Clicked 4386 times )
Steven 4.53 v1.00 ( Clicked 27756 times )
Habib 4.53 v1.01 ( Clicked 5467 times )
3.55 Rogero Downgrader RSOD ( Clicked 15897 times )
REBUG 3.55.4 999 Downgrader ( Clicked 9016 times )

3.55 Dex Downgrader Download