Dev C Undefined Reference

Posted By admin On 13.12.20

Hi try adding -lwinmm (or something like that) to your linker option (project option - further object files or linker option) That should help.

  1. Dev C++ Undefined Reference To
  2. C Undefined Reference To Main
  3. C Undefined Reference To Exp
hay I am using dev c++ and I am having these errors.
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::point(double, double)'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::tostring() const'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::point(double, double)'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::tostring() const'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::point(point const&)'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::tostring() const'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::operator=(point const&)'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::tostring() const'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::x() const'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::y() const'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::~point()'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::~point()'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::~point()'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::~point()'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::~point()'
[Linker error] undefined reference to `point::~point()'
32:2 C:Dev-Cppincludec++3.4.2backwardbackward_warning.h more undefined references to `point::~point()' follow
32:2 C:Dev-Cppincludec++3.4.2backwardbackward_warning.h ld returned 1 exit status
and my program is:
// program
using namespace std;
class point
point(const point&);
point& operator=(const point&);
double x() const;
double y() const;
string tostring() const;
double _x, _y;
int main()
point p0;
cout << 'p0 = ' << p0.tostring() << endl;
point p1(5,-2);
cout << 'p1 = ' << p1.tostring() << endl;
point p2=p1;
cout << 'p2 = ' << p2.tostring() << endl;
cout << 'p0 = ' << p0.tostring() << endl;
cout << 'p0.x() = ' << p0.x() << endl;
cout << 'p0.y() = ' << p0.y() << endl;
// Please help me out of these errors.
// please donot refer me to any other post at all. I have read all of the post might be there would be answer in those posts but I am unable to understand that since I am a biggner. Please help me.
Dev C Undefined Reference

I'm self studying from the book, C++ Primer Plus Fifth Edition, by Stephen Prata. The following relates to Chapter 13, Page 699, Programming Exercise #4. One task is to write the derived class method definitions based upon the given prototypes. The following are the said prototypes.

You will note that the base class destructor is virtual. That the derived class destructor is implemented inline.

  • Dev C linker errors, undefined reference; Help me code this problem in c c or java; SIGSEGV in C; undefined reference when calling c func from c; LIBSSH2-DEV C Integration issue Linker error undefined reference to `libssh2 linking c and c objects caused compile eror: undefined reference to.
  • Also, as mentioned in the question comments, DevC is a rather outdated and ungood IDE. Since you are using Windows, try out e.g. Code::Blocks IDE for the g compiler, or Microsoft’s Visual C Express IDE for Visual C. And with the latter you can use the #pragma, if you want.
  • Dec 29, 2010  1. Update the compiler used by Dev C, this is probably not an appropriate approach for a beginner though it's not hard to do 2. Remove the installation of mingw and reinstall it elsewhere (e.g., c:mingw4.5), this is an easy fix but don't forget to update your path variable to reflect the new directory (c:mingw4.5MinGWbin).
  • Showing links to tutorials is useless, we need to see, what you did. Were you able to build the opencv libs? (in that case it's only a problem of 'how to use them' now. (and probably noone else is using dev-cpp here, so don't expect much, if it is related to that).
  • Undefined reference toHash::insert(int, char) You're not linking with the implementations of functions defined in Hash.h. Don't you have a Hash.cpp to also compile and link?

I was creating the derived class method definitions in a cpp file and couldn't get the project to progressively compile correctly. At my first method definition, a default constructor, the compiler kept spitting out this error message:

Chapter-13pe-13-04port.cpp 74 undefined reference to `vtable for VintagePort'

The line number was pointing to my derived class constructor definition. I did some googling around and came across this workaround. I removed the inline effect of the derived class destructor, made that into a method definition in the cpp file and presto, compilation succeeded.

Am I to assume that the example in the book, as regards the inline feature of a derived class destructor, is in error. Are there any other explanations.

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  • commentLatest Postby sheldonrobinsonLatest Post

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I was creating the derived class method definitions in a cpp file
and couldn't get the project to progressively compile correctly.
At my first method definition, a default constructor,
the compiler kept spitting out this error message:

this is perhaps the most obscure error message that gcc (actually …

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> I was creating the derived class method definitions in a cpp file
> and couldn't get the project to progressively compile correctly.
> At my first method definition, a default constructor,
> the compiler kept spitting out this error message:

this is perhaps the most obscure error message that gcc (actually the linker) spits out, but the reason is simple:

the compiler has to put the (one and only one) vtable for a class into some object file or the other. it puts it into the object file for the translation unit where the definition of the first non-pure-virtual out-of-line virtual member function is present. if there is no such definition, you get this rather unhelpful linker error message. you would be able to progressively compile the code even if a non-pure virtual function is not defined, but to be able to link without errors, every such function must have a definition (at least a stub). and to prevent the non-creation of a v-table by the compiler, at least one of the non-pure virtual functions will have to be defined out-of-line.

Dev C++ Undefined Reference To

gcc has a faq about this:

C Undefined Reference To Main

> Am I to assume that the example in the book, as regards the inline feature
> of a derived class destructor, is in error.
i think it is not a particularly good book, but in this case neither the book nor the compiler is in error.
if you define the destructor inline, and void VintagePort::Show() const out-of-line, the error will go away. there has to be at least one out-of-line definition of a non-pure-virtual function.

note: the microsoft compiler (as well as several other compilers) does not require this; it instantiates a v-table with internal linkage in *every* translation unit in which such a header (all non-pure virtual functions are inline) is included. /antares-auto-tune-5-free-download-for-pc.html. this violates the c++ one definition rule for v-tables, but as always, folks at redmond tend to value pragmatism highly. and they do give you __declspec(novtable) to suppress the proliferation of v-tables.

C Undefined Reference To Exp

superjacent commented: To the point and relevant advice, thank you.+1