Hazel Mac For 10.10

Posted By admin On 11.12.20

Hazel for mac是Mac平台上的Mac系统清理软件,同时也是你个人的管家,能够帮您管理应用程序:卸载清理。按照文件的名称、种类、日期、地点或电子邮件地址,你可以设置色标签关键字和评论,清除残留下来的子文件。. “Hazel's combination of power and ease of use makes it one of the handiest Mac utilities I’ve used” Dan Miller “I honestly believe Hazel is a killer - nay: essential - appcan't even begin to guess at how much time it's saved me.”. Hazel 4, which requires a Mac running 10.10 (Yosemite) or later, is available directly from Noodlesoft. Auto tune recording software download. New users can buy Hazel 4 for $32 for an individual license, and $49 for a family license. Customers who bought Hazel 3 since September 6, 2015 will receive Hazel 4 for free.

Hazel Mac For 10.10 Download

Hazel can also manage your basket and remove applications. Hazel lets you sort files by name, type, date, site, or e-mail address from which the image came. With this program, you also have the ability to attach the colored labels to create keywords Spotlight and comments. Hazel also removes incomplete or re-boot.

Hazel Mac For 10.10 Windows 7

/cubase-7-vst-free-download.html. Hazel can also control your shopping cart and thus save you from having to clean it yourself. The program works in the background, thereby allowing you to concentrate on your main tasks and not to waste time sorting through and deleting files. Simply put, the movie files in the folder will appear Movies, music files in the Music folder, etc. The idea itself is not new, in this algorithm, for example, operate the filters in e-mail clients - sorting incoming mail in different boxes. In addition, the utility has other useful functions - Work with a basket, cleaning the system of unnecessary files, support for Spotlight, Automator, iLife and function AppSweet, removing remnants of applications after removing them.

Dec 25, 2019 Hazel works quietly in the background allowing you to focus on your real tasks. Just set up your rules via a System Preferences pane and let Hazel do its job. Hazel tries not to hog up resources. You won't notice it's there but you'll notice when it's gone. Or let Hazel be chatty Hazel supports Growl.

Intel, 64-bit processor OS X 10.10 or later

Home Page - http://www.noodlesoft.com/hazel.php

Hazel Mac For 10.10 Pc