Recipe For Target Failed Dev C++
Posted By admin On 14.12.20- Recipe For Target Modules Failed
- Recipe For Target Failed Dev C Program
- Recipe For Target World Failed
Stack Exchange network consists of 175 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. But since we are using the C compiler for all of the configure checks, and for the build, we really should be verifying that the C compiler works. We can work around the autoconf problem by putting ACPROGCXX before ACPROGCC. This will verify that the C compiler works, but will stop verifying that the C compiler works, which is. Nov 29, 2014 Recipe for target failed After compiling I get these messages and I don't know how to find the problem. /neutron-vst-free-download.html. Can anyone give me a clue where to look please? (MPLAB X IDE v2.26, XC8 v1.33) make -f nbproject/ Apr 24, 2016 It has been well on a decade since I last wrote a nontrivial makefile, but in my experience the make tool is incapable of noting that an input dependency has unexpectedly changed during the course of building targets; as you note, make identifies.
Recipe For Target Modules Failed
As others have mentioned, the problem is that you can't find the missing dependency bluetooth/mgmt.h. A more direct way than those mentioned above to resolve your problem is to create a custom include directory in which you will copy the missing header. Im kind off new in programming with c i created a project with name trigo who had 2 classes and i have this problem that i could not fixed any suggestions?
Recipe For Target Failed Dev C Program
Recipe For Target World Failed
- # Makefile created by Dev-C++ 5.6.2
- CPP = g++.exe
- WINDRES = windres.exe
- LINKOBJ = main.o Untitled2.o
- LIBS = -L'C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/lib' -L'C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib' -static-libgcc
- INCS = -I'C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/include' -I'C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include' -I'C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.8.1/include'
- CXXINCS = -I'C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/include' -I'C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include' -I'C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.8.1/include' -I'C:/Program Files (x86)/Dev-Cpp/MinGW64/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.8.1/include/c++'
- RM = rm.exe -f
- .PHONY: all all-before all-after clean clean-custom
- all: all-before $(BIN) all-after
- clean: clean-custom
- **$(CC) $(LINKOBJ) -o $(BIN) $(LIBS)**
- main.o: main.c
- $(CC) -c Untitled2.c -o Untitled2.o $(CFLAGS)
- C:UsersvarunDesktopcprogUntitled2.o Untitled2.c:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `main'
- C:UsersvarunDesktopcprogmain.o main.c:(.text+0x0): first defined here
- C:UsersvarunDesktopcprogcollect2.exe [Error] ld returned 1 exit status
- 25 recipe for target 'Project1.exe' failed
- C:UsersvarunDesktopcprogUntitled2.o Untitled2.c:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `main'
- C:UsersvarunDesktopcprogmain.o main.c:(.text+0x0): first defined here